ASTRO Networks Vic. Inc.

Alternative Science & Technology Research Organisation

Victoria, Australia

June 2007 Meeting

A Report on the I.S.M.S. -

(International Scientific & Metaphysical Symposium)

Who: George Simpson

George has been a UFO Researcher for 18 years and is the Director of the Australian UFO Research Network - Victoria (AUFORN. VIC.) since 2000. He also has a technical background in Photographic technology, Electronics, and Computers and his hobbies include Astronomy and Photography.

Strange objects in the sky have been seen, all over the world, since the dawn of recorded history. These sightings are often reported at Conferences and Symposiums where Witnesses, Speakers and Researchers can present detailed information, face to face with their audience, without their words being altered or misconstrued, as often occurs, when the media attempts to present reports on the same subjects.

George's presentation will focus on several interesting articles presented at the recent I.S.M.S. which he attended in Sydney; including the following;